Embracing Recognition: A Reflection on Achievements and the Female Professional's Dilemma

Written by Melissa Alterio, M.S., CPE, RPL, published on February 6, 2024

In the intricate tapestry of my life, I find myself wearing many hats — a leader, a 911 director, a fur mom, a best friend, a sister, a daughter. Maya Angelou's words echo in my mind as I navigate the complexities of being a woman: "I'm a phenomenal woman." Leading a large 911 Center comes with immense responsibility, overseeing a team of dedicated individuals. The weight of this role, coupled with my various identities, often leads to moments where my feelings and thoughts become overwhelming. Despite the challenges, I embrace the multifaceted nature of my existence, striving to embody strength, compassion, and resilience in each role I play.

The recent honor of being named one of the LiveSafe Tribute Women of Achievement has brought forth a wave of introspection. It's not just about the recognition itself but the complex dance that many professional women find themselves doing when faced with acknowledgment.

Growing up, were we subtly taught to downplay our achievements? Is there an unspoken rule that as women, we shouldn't boast about our accolades? Does celebrating our success risk being labeled as bragging? These are questions that linger, often subconsciously, in the minds of many accomplished women.

Being named among the 15 honorees was undoubtedly a moment of pride and humility. Yet, the struggle to reconcile this recognition with the societal expectations placed upon women is real. Should we own our achievements boldly, sharing them in the arena with the pure intention of cheering on fellow women? Or do we hesitate, fearing judgment and wondering if people will perceive us as boastful?

The crux lies in reshaping our mindset. It's time to shed the notion that celebrating one's accomplishments is synonymous with trying to be superior. Instead, we should step into our achievements with confidence and pride, recognizing that acknowledging our success doesn't diminish the achievements of others. It's about fostering an environment where everyone has an equal playing field, and we genuinely celebrate each other's victories.

Social media, a double-edged sword, adds another layer to the dilemma. Do we share the recognition on these platforms? How will people react? The fear of appearing self-centered or seeking validation may hold us back. However, it's essential to understand that sharing accomplishments on social media isn't about seeking external approval but about inspiring and encouraging others.

As women, we need to redefine how we perceive recognition. It's not about boasting; it's about acknowledging the hard work, dedication, and passion that led to the achievement. By sharing our successes, we contribute to a culture of support and empowerment. It's not a competition but a collective journey where each woman's triumph adds to the strength of the whole.

So, to my fellow women leaders and achievers, let's embrace recognition with open hearts. Let's own our accomplishments, share them proudly, and cheer for each other wholeheartedly. It's time to break free from the societal constraints that tell us to play small. Instead, let's stand tall, not to be better than anyone else, but to uplift and inspire the incredible women around us. Together, we can create a world where achievements are celebrated, and success knows no gender.

In this journey of reflection and self-discovery, it's crucial not only to ponder the societal expectations placed upon us but also to ask ourselves a profound question: What is our purpose? What legacy do we aspire to leave behind?

As I navigate the corridors of leadership, my purpose has crystallized into a fervent desire to leave a lasting impact on others. It goes beyond the accolades, beyond the titles and honors. It's about encouraging and empowering women, paving the way for the next generation of leaders.

So, I ask you, dear reader, what is your purpose? What legacy do you want to leave? In the pursuit of our goals and dreams, it's easy to get lost in the day-to-day hustle. Taking a moment to reflect on our greater purpose can provide clarity and direction.

In the midst of this whirlwind of introspection and recognition, my life is taking a fascinating turn. The winds of change are shifting my priorities, bringing forth new and humbling experiences that are awe-inspiring. Beyond the Women of Achievement recognition, I find myself at the helm of the Cobb County Chamber of Commerce Public Safety Appreciation Program for 2024. It's a groundbreaking moment as the first woman and 911 director to serve as Chair, overseeing the acknowledgment of all Cobb County public safety responders. The honor is immense, and it reinforces the idea that breaking barriers is not just about personal achievement but opening doors for others.

In a twist that caught me by surprise, the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) reached out to invite my participation and perspective as a 911 Director in their National Consortium to Prevent Law Enforcement Suicide. As I sit with this opportunity, the weight of humility is profound. I can't help but wonder, why me? The nagging self-doubt that sometimes accompanies such moments is all too familiar. Yet, it's crucial to recognize that I wasn't merely given a seat at that table; I earned it. It's a testament to the dedication and expertise that brought me here. As I grapple with this blend of humility and pride, I realize it's a sentiment many women share when faced with significant achievements. It's time to embrace the pride that comes with our hard-earned accomplishments, acknowledge that we've earned our seats at the table, and encourage others to do the same. The journey may be riddled with questions, but the answers lie in the confidence to stand tall and continue forging ahead.

Amidst the intricacies of these occurrences, a poignant moment stands out—one that served as a reminder to embrace pride without reservation. It was a day when my dear friend Katrina responded to a social media post where I hesitated to appear as if I were bragging. With unwavering conviction, she called and exclaimed, "No ma'am, you brag. And you brag loudly." It was a sweet, empowering moment—a reminder that being proud of accomplishments is not arrogance but a celebration of hard-earned success. Additionally, I'm fortunate to have two dear friends, my chosen sisters, who consistently encourage me to see myself as others do. Their unconditional love and unwavering support serve as a constant motivation. I'm learning that it's not about speaking ill of oneself when acknowledging achievements; it's about shouting it loud and proud. So, here I am, embracing the cheers of phenomenal women in my life and shouting, because I am proud.

For me, receiving recognition is not just a personal triumph; it's a stepping stone toward creating a world where women feel empowered, supported, and confident in their abilities. It's a commitment to building a legacy that inspires others to reach for their goals, break barriers, and shatter the glass ceiling.

The truth is, we can't afford to get tired. The journey may be challenging, but with each accolade, we are reminded of our resilience and strength. It's about taking the win, savoring the moment, but not letting it be the end. We must take a breath and keep on going.

So, when those accolades come your way, embrace them. Celebrate the hard work, dedication, and passion that brought you to that moment. Take a moment to revel in your achievements, and then, with a renewed spirit, keep on going. It's a continuous journey of growth, impact, and empowerment.

As I look to the future, my commitment is unwavering. I will keep going because there are more barriers to break, more ceilings to shatter, and more women to empower. And I implore you to join me on this journey. What is your purpose, and what legacy do you want to create? Share your thoughts, aspirations, and dreams. Let's inspire each other to reach new heights and leave a legacy that transcends accolades—a legacy that empowers and uplifts the generations to come. Together, we can make a difference.

Thank you, Melissa for sharing your experience with us. If you are interested in writing a blog, please email amanda@911derwomen.com. Sign up for our newsletter on our homepage to stay up to date with 911der Women programming, exclusive content and blog updates. Click here and scroll to the bottom.

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