When women in 911 find their voice, they find their power.

Our Mission

Strengthen and support the Women of 911 and equip them with the tools to foster professional and personal growth. 911der Women is a nonprofit and community providing mental health and wellness resources, training, career development, outreach & research to our 911 responders who are the public safety lifeline to those who call in need of help.

Trainings for 911der Women

We offer live virtual trainings and in-person workshops designed to help you grow professionally and personally.

Virtual Trainings: 911der Women Workshops

The 911der Women Workshops are a quarterly series of live virtual trainings given by industry experts designed to instill lasting learning for the current and next generation of leaders in the 911 industry.

Host a 911der Women Training

We bring the conference to you with our 911der Women Academies and ENP Prep Retreats.

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Help us continue our programs that empower and support 911 professionals

Find your voice; Find your power

Find your voice; Find your power ✨

Power ENP Coming to Indiana

Join instructor Ty Wooten, ENP, and the 911der Women Team at the Hancock Wellness Center in New Palestine, Indiana, for this day-long, in-person ENP Prep Retreat on Tuesday, May 21st, from 9:00 to 5:00. This free class is open to all, whether or not you are scheduled to sit for the ENP exam.

Her Voice

The 911der Women Blog